Gehem Gendalo Topside Dynamic Simulation

Client: PT Chevron Indonesia 

Location: Indonesia

The Gehem and Gendalo fields are deepwater gas / oil fields located approximately 80 km east and 150 km southeast of Santan Terminal respectively. Santan Terminal and the deepwater fields are operated by PT Chevron Indonesia (CVX).

Each of the primary reservoirs in the Gehem and Gendalo fields will be developed with clustered subsea wells, connected in a dual–flow line configuration and controlled from the respective manned Floating Production Unit (FPU) in a deepwater location near the respective fields.

Synergy's Scope of Work

Synergy developed the dynamic process simulations for the topside facilities on Gehem and Gendalo FPUs. The objective of this work was to develop a mathematical model that would later be used as part of the Operator Training Simulator (OTS).

A review of the system was also be performed in order to define the operating envelope of the system. This included an overview of the adequacy of the proposed process control system for the topside facility under various upset conditions (e.g. during turn down), and prediction of the subsea pipeline system interaction with the topside controls.

Key Project Achievements

  1.  Built the dynamic process simulation model for the Gehem and Gendalo FPUs using Honeywell Unisim Design software. 
  2. Simulated a number of operating scenarios (e.g. black start, emergency shutdown, turndown / increase of production, etc) to define the operating envelope of the process systems.